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From 24 to 27 October in Trieste there was an annual meeting “European Multipliers Seminar”, where every nation was presented only by 3 representatives. Among Italian representatives was also Youmore Morcelli Giovani, national Eurodesk office in Chiari. The participants of this event had a chance to meet their colleagues from other European countries during different workshops.Trieste is a host city for all delegations and it has confirmed its vocation – the European city. In the beginning of the work there was a greet speech from Eurodesk president Ramon Magi, who has been hosted in Chiari.
This event was full of different group works. The particular topic was about youth competences and activities in social networks. According to many participants, a great workshop was presented by Polish delegation. “Euroclasses” is a special methodic of collaboration with the national educational system.
Trieste has been also chosen as a city of annual “Eurodesk Awards”, the prizes for the best projects that are given to Eurodesk Agencies. The awards have been sent to Germany, Ireland, France and Slovenia. Unfortunately, there is no luck for Italy this year, but Youmore is going to participate in all next events during next year and who knows what suprises 2017 will bring for us.