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Author Archives: segreteria

Act of Unity TC in Armenia


The ‘Act Of Unity’ project was a 6-day training course bringing together a total of 30 youth workers, coordinators, mentors and tutors from partner organisations in Armenia in June 2022.

The Act of Unity project was designed by Fondazione Istituto Morcelliano and hosted in Armenia by Defender of Pedagogues Rights NGO in order to bring effective results to the needs of the participating organisations, with objectives to:

* Promoting active citizenship and in particular volunteering and solidarity projects for young people in local communities.

* Strengthening the capacities of youth workers in applying for volunteering and especially solidarity projects under Erasmus Plus and European Solidarity Corps Funds.

* Recognition and effective use of NFE/INFORMAL methods to reach the most marginalised young people or those with fewer opportunities and involve them in community projects.

* To support the creation of a strong pool of future partnerships between participating NGOs, strengthening collaboration between the programme and partner countries, including the Southern Mediterranean region.

* Strengthening the quality of volunteering and solidarity projects through a short guide for organisers and a pre-departure online meeting for NGOs.

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The meeting of different cultures, languages and traditions in Portugal


Twenty-five young people, eight days, five different European countries and many ideas and sustainable opportunities to share and discover: these are the ingredients of the Erasmus + Youth Exchange project that took place from 6 to 13 September in Covilha, Portugal. Italy took part in it, together with Spain, Romania, the Czech Republic and Portugal, with five young people sent by the Youmore Morcelli Giovani association, which has been promoting leisure time, training and education for young people in Brescia for a long time. Among them, Stefano left because he wanted Europe, Simone instead to discover the world of European exchanges. It was also Irene’s first experience: she left because she wanted to try something new, to meet peers living in other places and to see the differences, always with the support of young people from her own country. Alessandro left because he loves travelling and discovering the world: being able to do it at a low cost and with the possibility of meeting many people from other countries seemed to him an opportunity not to be missed! The theme of the project convinced Greta, who combined her interest in sustainability with her desire to experience this kind of thing for the first time.

One of the main objectives of the exchange, entitled Eco Opportunities, was to raise awareness among the participants of the importance of the connection between man and nature, in particular by providing tools to promote entrepreneurship in areas such as sustainable tourism and the circular economy. The project was in fact organised by the Portuguese association Pinus Verde. This association was set up in 1998 with strong links to the Pinhal hinterland and since then has essentially been an instrument at the service of a community and a territory whose transversal objectives include improving the quality of life of rural communities, as well as promoting the multiple uses of the forest and safeguarding the environmental heritage. During the week there were different moments to work together towards these goals: there were moments to reflect on one’s own concepts of sustainability, responsible tourism and circular economy, moments to work in groups and create videos that could communicate these same concepts, but also quizzes and engaging team games to test the group’s knowledge of these issues, as well as to increase it.

The theme was also developed in the visits to the area: thanks to Pinus Verde, the participants were able to enter the Honey House, a meeting point for beekeepers in the area, visit the beehives, Janeiro De Cima, one of the twenty-six villages of the “Aldeias do Xisto” project, a social development project that has tourism as a key tool. The discovery of Portugal’s inland region continued with several hikes in the Serra da Estrela Natural Park, up to the highest point in the country.

But the heart of these exchanges is also the meeting of different cultures, languages and traditions from all over Europe. At the end of the day, there were intercultural nights, with each group presenting their country, showing photos, videos or offering quizzes or teaching traditional dances.

The evening continued with a tasting of typical products. These, as well as other free moments during the week, have the aim of introducing young Europeans to their Union, of putting them to the test in a multicultural context that would rarely be possible to breathe in everyday life.
They return home with a wealth of soft skills: social, civic, creative and linguistic competences, the same as those attested by the Youthpass, the certificate issued at the end of the exchange. In everyone’s baggage there are also smiles, new ties and the desire to start again.

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A gap year brings us much beauty and surprises


“What do you invent to not go to school or work” could say a person ignoring that a sabbatical year brings us many beauties and surprises. So why choose twelve months volunteering with Youmore Morcelli Giovani in Chiari? My answer is simply: the Italian soul!

I applied on the European Youth Portal and after the Skype call, using my roommate’s headphones, I did not expect to be taken. Arrived first of three volunteers and the shopping made in a foreign language, I found myself curiously opening a dictionary for children and telling me that the new adventure starts. Continue reading

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Youmore Celebrates 4th Birthday!


Thank you all for participating in the celebration of Youmore´s 4th birthday! 💃🏻🎈Here are some of our favorite moments from the evening. Stylish dancing, fun activities and 100% joy!! Thank you guys again and stay updated with Youmore! 🙂 Continue reading

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Volunteering in Russia EVS Hub : experience of Clarica

Hi, I’m Clarica. About six months ago I came back from one of these experiences that shaped me most in life, EVS. Today I want to tell you what this experience was for me.

🇷🇺 😃🌏👍

I will start by saying that already during high school I have always been predisposed to live abroad, I lived a year in Argentina when I was still underage and just from that experience I realized that my life should be full of experiences outside of Italy. Continue reading

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Youmore´s Birthday!!


🌞Soon the summer of Brescia will start! Are you still looking for an exotic evening?🌞

After 4 years of existence, Youmore Morcelli Giovani has the great desire to bring together every fan one of our projects 💛 and their friends to celebrate Youmore´s birthday together !!! 🎵🎉 It has been a big European adventure and on June 22nd we will share the best stories of our Youmore youngsters 🍍🌴🌻

The apericena of the month awaits you with music, games, lots of laughter and surprises! 🎀🎲🍒 Bring friends who are interested in European experiences at 18:00 to the Ludotheca at Viale Bonatelli, 43 😉

Believe us when we say that the celebration will be fabulous! 🍹🌺

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Youth Exchange: “Youth For The Future”

Hi guys!

People who are writing this article are a group of youngsters who decided to depart for 10 days to the completely and absolutely unknown new country which is Armenia. We left on 20th of April thanks to one youth exchange within Erasmus+, under the title “Youth for the future” with a topic of environmental protection, recycling, and respect for nature. Wrapped in the dark and silent snowflakes, we arrived, late in the night in the city of Aghveran, the small village at 2000m altitude nestled between the Rocky Mountains and deep valleys in the region of Kotayk, a little more to the north of the capital city of Yerevan.

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“Change4Europe” with Youmore

Often, because of the frenetic contemporary world, it could happen that all days are passing in the same way. However, there are experiences able to stop the time, to leave us the space to live and discover something new. Experiences made in one week can mean a lot more when you consider them as an experience in a year. Experiences that change your life and the perfection of the same, helping us understand how much this world is rich of differences which unite and can help us to understand better other people and why not, also ourselves. European youth exchanges are a tool to do it. And effectively youth exchange “Change 4 Europe” that was held in Portugal in a city that is around 1h far away from Lisbon in the period from 30 March until 8th of April 2018 promoted by Youmore Morcelli Giovani was one of these kinds of experiences. For each of these country participants, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, and France, have participated 6 youngsters plus one group leader. Topics that were discussed were: democracy, ideology and the solidarity towards those who need the most: objectives that were fully reached out. All youngsters, in fact, came back with a spiritual luggage full of spirits of humanity which will for sure leave a mark in their lives. Below you can take a look at some of their comments:

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