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Category Archives: EVS

A gap year brings us much beauty and surprises


“What do you invent to not go to school or work” could say a person ignoring that a sabbatical year brings us many beauties and surprises. So why choose twelve months volunteering with Youmore Morcelli Giovani in Chiari? My answer is simply: the Italian soul!

I applied on the European Youth Portal and after the Skype call, using my roommate’s headphones, I did not expect to be taken. Arrived first of three volunteers and the shopping made in a foreign language, I found myself curiously opening a dictionary for children and telling me that the new adventure starts. Continue reading

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Volunteering in Russia EVS Hub : experience of Clarica


Hi, I’m Clarica. About six months ago I came back from one of these experiences that shaped me most in life, EVS. Today I want to tell you what this experience was for me.

🇷🇺 😃🌏👍

I will start by saying that already during high school I have always been predisposed to live abroad, I lived a year in Argentina when I was still underage and just from that experience I realized that my life should be full of experiences outside of Italy. Continue reading

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Il ragazzo e il suo progetto SVE “Mediterranean Dream” in Repubblica Ceca

Questo post è disponibile anche in: Inglese

Il mio Servizio Volontario Europeo è iniziato abbastanza in salita, dovendo subentrare in un progetto già iniziato, ma soprattutto ritrovandomi in una città, Hradec Králové, e in un paese, la Repubblica Ceca, dalle usanze differenti a quelle a cui ero abituato in Italia. Fortunatamente, sono stato supportato parecchio sia dalla coordinatrice, sia dagli altri volontari, che quindi mi hanno decisamente facilitato le cose. Per me è stata dura anche iniziare una piccola nuova vita da solo, e dover pensare ad esempio a faccende alle quali comunque in Italia non dovevo pensare o, vivendo in famiglia, alle quali qualcun altro pensava al posto mio. Anche per quanto riguarda le attività non è stato facile, perché mi sono ritrovato a svolgere attività che non avevo mai svolto, come il lavoro coi bambini. Continue reading

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The boy and his EVS project “Mediterranean Dream” in Czech Republic

Questo post è disponibile anche in: Italian

My European Volunteer Service has begun quite challenging , having to go into a project that has already begun, but above all, I have found myself in a city, Hradec Králové, and in a country, Czech Republic, with different habits to those I was used to in Italy. Fortunately, I have been very supported both by the co-ordinator and the other volunteers, which have made things a lot easier for me. It’s been hard for me to start a little new life on my own, and to have to think for example about things that I did not have to think in Italy, or living in a family where someone else thought of me. Also, regarding the activities, it was not easy, because I found myself engaged in activities I had never done, such as work with children. Continue reading

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The boy and his EVS project “Mediterranean Dream” in Czech Republic


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My European Volunteer Service has begun quite challenging , having to go into a project that has already begun, but above all, I have found myself in a city, Hradec Králové, and in a country, Czech Republic, with different habits to those I was used to in Italy. Fortunately, I have been very supported both by the co-ordinator and the other volunteers, which have made things a lot easier for me. It’s been hard for me to start a little new life on my own, and to have to think for example about things that I did not have to think in Italy, or living in a family where someone else thought of me. Also, regarding the activities, it was not easy, because I found myself engaged in activities I had never done, such as work with children.
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EVS – a month after returning


It has been a month since I have been return in Italy after my EVS project in Kaunas, in Lithuania. First of all, I will never stop thanking enough at Youmore Morcelli Giovani, which has let me discover the world of Erasmus+ starting with a youth exchange and finishing with an EVS project of six months abroad.  I would like to give special thanks to Justina Krauledaite who has followed me as after as same as during the choice of the candidate for my EVS project. Continue reading

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My EVS in Madrid, my beautiful story


Five months have passed since my arrival in Madrid. I remember like it was yesterday October the 3rd of last year when, full of emotion and curiosity, I was looking at everything surrounding me when I arrived in the Spanish capital. Since then, time has passed, I have had experiences, but above all, I have experienced lot of emotions. Continue reading

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Travel notes: my first week in Czech Republic

KURO’s organization (KURO means culture and development) promote culture and volunteering in the city, by planning youth mobility’s projects. Through them, I got the chance to work in a kindergarten owned by YMCA association. This school connects the children with foreigners volunteers, creating a unique learning style learning English through songs and games, respect and care for nature by a direct relation with animals are just some of the many activities that take place here. One thing that really surprises me, is that children can decide what they want to do, without any forcing or judgment. This method produces incredible results for the kids.

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