Cyrpus, 1-10 April 2023

We participated in a Erasmus+ youth exchange with young people from different countries: Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Spain and Cyprus.

Firstly, during the first days we played some getting to know each other games and did some other team building activities in order to create a safe and collaborative space for everyone.
Secondly we had the opportunity to go deep into the Social Entrepreneurship topic through non formal learning activities, such as debates, role games and acting.

Indeed, we developed some entrepreneurship project ideas in groups by exploting the social skills we explored the days before.
We understood that also in our daily life we are challenged by social issues that could make us explore out social competences and we are sure we’re gonna value this new awareness both in personal and professional growth.
Moreover, participants presented their culture to the others with typical food, dances, games, quiz etc.

It was special creating strong connections with people from different countries because it made me feel more open-minded. It felt like I was in safe place where I could be myself without the fear of being judged. ~ Anna

It was my first erasmus+ project experience and it was surprising feeling safe going outside my comfort zone. I really appreciate the fact that although the cultural differences we actually shared common values with other participants. ~ Alessandra

It’s always nice to participate in erasmus+ projects because this kind of experiences always allows me to discover new skills and personal characteristics. In particular thanks to this youth exchange I could improve some social and professional competencies that I’m sure I’ll use in my carrer. Moreover I really enjoy meeting and knowing new people from different countries in order to discover new traditions and cultures. ~Giulia

Even if it wasn’t my first project, it was amazing to discover new cultures and know other people in a deeper way rather then you meet someone in daily life. This project let me understand that probably I’ll write some projects to let people understand the way I felt. ~ Francesco

Although I am one of the youngest participant in this project I felt really comfortable and I had the opportunity to show me as I am without fears to be judged. Even if it wasn’t my first project I felt the same emotions of my first experience. ~ Alberto