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Tag Archives: europeanvoluntaryservice

“WE RURAL” Youth Exchange

“We Rural”

Have you ever thought about a possibility to travel and study at zero cost?
And what about trying specialties of other continents?|
If we tell you that all that is simple and possible, would you believe us?


“We have always felt a sense of belonging to a reality that was no longer related only to the single membered countries, but to the one great country where are the problems are common.”

August 17, is the date when our adventure to Cerveruela started, a small rural place near the city of Zaragoza. There were our fellow travelers who were waiting for us, who were coming from 3 different countries: Spain, Malta, and Armenia. Days used to start with the ‘energizer’, short games that were meant to activate our brains. Continue reading

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Youmore Challenge

Hey people! We’re announcing that we are making a video challenge for all the EVS volunteers and ex volunteers (#Youmoresfida). We ask You to tell us about Your experience of European Voluntary Service (preferably in Italian)! You can tell about Your best and worst experience, what were the fears You were(are) struggling, did You have(or You are having still) a culture shock, how did You overcome it and so on. This will help all the volunteers that are considering to apply the EVS projects, to motivate them and also overcome their fears, to make their goals and set their expectations.
Post Your video(or link of Your video) in the comments and tag also at least 3 other volunteers/ ex volunteers!
We add for an example Stefano’s video, who is the brave one doing his voluntary service in Spain. 🙂


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