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Youmore Celebrates 4th Birthday!


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Thank you all for participating in the celebration of Youmore´s 4th birthday! 💃🏻🎈Here are some of our favorite moments from the evening. Stylish dancing, fun activities and 100% joy!! Thank you guys again and stay updated with Youmore! 🙂




This post is available in Italian as well.🇮🇹

After 4 years of existence (resistance), Youmore Morcelli Giovani with such enthusiasm reunited the friends and supporters💛 of our projects organizing the amazing celebration in order to include everybody into a big 4th birthday night!!! 🎵 🎉It was an awesome European adventure in these 4 years and on 22nd June we decided to share our best stories and moments with Youmore youngsters.  🍍🌴











In following we would like to share with you the most special moments of our fabulous night. Together with pictures, we are inviting you to have a look at 2 super interesting videos which will remain as a sort of the evidence and not only when it comes to our celebration party but a concrete proof of the effort and precious time we have invested with all our heart into the projects that since the very first moment reflected like a window towards Europe!🇪🇺

The article was translated by Biljana Dajic


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