The boy and his EVS project “Mediterranean Dream” in Czech Republic



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My European Volunteer Service has begun quite challenging , having to go into a project that has already begun, but above all, I have found myself in a city, Hradec Králové, and in a country, Czech Republic, with different habits to those I was used to in Italy. Fortunately, I have been very supported both by the co-ordinator and the other volunteers, which have made things a lot easier for me. It’s been hard for me to start a little new life on my own, and to have to think for example about things that I did not have to think in Italy, or living in a family where someone else thought of me. Also, regarding the activities, it was not easy, because I found myself engaged in activities I had never done, such as work with children.

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After a bit of a hard start, however, I have begun to find my balance, regarding both living alone in a new country and activities, and everything is getting much easier now.

The activities that I have carried out mainly concern work in a school with children of 4 to 10 years old. My job is to stay with children in their spare time and to help them in their school activities. This is an alternative school and for this reason, besides leaving the children free enough, the masters tend to leave their small responsibilitiepizap (13)s for them, so that by growing they learn to do something concrete, not learn only the notions from the books. For example, one day we all together went to clean the school, another day to clean and play in the park and collect the cigarette bins to throw them in the trash.

I was very nervous of the thought of starting working in this school, but I must say that it is a kind of activity that also gives you some satisfaction and great moments who make you feel proud of what you are doing.

On July 5th will be an exact month that I am in Czech Republic. pizap (10)I have always said that the first month is the hardest and I have noticed that it is so, but now when excitement is more calm, I am delighted with this choice and I can`t not wait to continue in the best possible ways. It is really an experience that I would advise to young people, because besides being a huge opportunity to improve in foreign languages or to learn new ones, it can make you a lot better also as a person.

Written by Manuel Farimbelli

Translated by Ljubica Simonova

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