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Travel notes: my first week in Czech Republic


EVS International project Project

Questo post è disponibile anche in: Italian

KURO’s organization (KURO means culture and development) promote culture and volunteering in the city, by planning youth mobility’s projects. Through them, I got the chance to work in a kindergarten owned by YMCA association. This school connects the children with foreigners volunteers, creating a unique learning style learning English through songs and games, respect and care for nature by a direct relation with animals are just some of the many activities that take place here. One thing that really surprises me, is that children can decide what they want to do, without any forcing or judgment. This method produces incredible results for the kids.

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I also got the chance to work in a primary school (Hučák Institute) but the job wasn’t so easy as the previous one: due to linguistic misunderstandings, youngsters were wary of us. I tried to communicate with a little girl by presenting her some simple English sentences and gave her Czech translation to these. The child began to open and talk to me and the next time I went there, I reused thispizap (11) technique with another kid. I’m positive about my integration in the classroom: I only need to invent new methods to communicate.

This place offers enormous opportunities, from fun to personal and cultural growth and I’m going to experience and try to take the most of this city because the Czech Republic is a land worth to be discovered and loved to the bottom.

This place offers enormous opportunities, from fun to personal and cultural growth and I’m going to experience and try to take the most of this city because the Czech Republic is a land worth to be discovered and loved to the bottom.

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Translated by Maria Marra


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