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In the program from 8th to 15th of July in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, the TeamBuilding of the educational staff of Youmore Morcelli Giovani takes part of the training course «Be active Youth» promoted by the Local Eurodesk Agency of Chiari Youmore Morcelli Giovani. The training course will be in English as the official language and it will be organized, in total, for twenty-six young people over 18 from Romania (4), Georgia (4), Estonia (3), Ukraine (4) and Armenia (6). In this phase, the project managers of Youmore Morcelli Giovani are preparing some details for the training course for young participants already selected. The project aims to develop, through workshops, intercultural evenings and study experience, new international contacts for promoting knowledge of the Eurodesk Agency of Chiari and further initiatives of interest and exchange for young people from different EU countries.
Especially in the intercultural evenings youth participants are invited to present customs and traditions of their countries. Guided tours are available in the most important cities of Armenia but also there are in program some study tours to learn about non-metropolitan areas of Armenian territory. In addition, in this period it is celebrated the Vardavar Festival, 12th of July, exactly 98 days after Easter, when Armenians celebrate the ancient tradition of the “Day of the water” and the locals pour buckets of water on people on the streets and especially foreigners. «Be active Youth» with Youmore Morcelli Giovani is the pass of Chiari in Europe with the new training course in Armenia to optimize the human resources of the educational team Youmore Morcelli Giovani – don Alberto Boscaglia, Paolo Festa, Sona Arevshatyan, Uliana Bychkova and Justina Krauledaitė – who have the opportunity to develop individual skills and to foster the harmony of the staff with the strengthening of team spirit.