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“Change4Europe” with Youmore


News Project Youth exchange

Questo post è disponibile anche in: Italian

Often, because of the frenetic contemporary world, it could happen that all days are passing in the same way. However, there are experiences able to stop the time, to leave us the space to live and discover something new. Experiences made in one week can mean a lot more when you consider them as an experience in a year. Experiences that change your life and the perfection of the same, helping us understand how much this world is rich of differences which unite and can help us to understand better other people and why not, also ourselves. European youth exchanges are a tool to do it. And effectively youth exchange “Change 4 Europe” that was held in Portugal in a city that is around 1h far away from Lisbon in the period from 30 March until 8th of April 2018 promoted by Youmore Morcelli Giovani was one of these kinds of experiences. For each of these country participants, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, and France, have participated 6 youngsters plus one group leader. Topics that were discussed were: democracy, ideology and the solidarity towards those who need the most: objectives that were fully reached out. All youngsters, in fact, came back with a spiritual luggage full of spirits of humanity which will for sure leave a mark in their lives. Below you can take a look at some of their comments:

4 months ago when I was proposed this experience I have to confess that I was a bit skeptic, I was afraid a bit of the things that I was unfamiliar with or the ones I have never tried so far, now I can tell myself “thank God that I did it”, one occasion it is not it will happen to you so often and I did it well to take it instantly. It was a very particular week, maybe because I was in a country that I did not know before, or maybe because until that moment never happened to me before to be in a situation to manage to communicate with people coming from completely different countries, of course, the first day was difficult for everybody, but once overcame the obstacle it was a piece of cake. I learned how to live together with people who have different habits and different cultures (one of the objectives I focused on before I departure), I made some beautiful friendships despite all the differences, I have tried typical plates of the other countries, so many times, I did a surf as well! In short, it was a week and the experience which is very hard to forget! (Riccardo)

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I liked having fun and passing time with people coming from different cultures and ideologies even if it was only for a short period time, I had a possibility and luck to contrast with them, to learn more about them, to widen my horizons, this experience was vital if in that way my personal growth can be measured. (Ibrahima).

 Before the departure, the main concern was that I will not be able to understand everything very well because of the linguistical obstacle when it comes to the English language, but in a very short time period we were able to unite, also actually without talking that much, the language was not the problem. I was feeling good with all youngsters who presented themselves as very kind and polite from the very first moment. It was interesting and nice to meet other cultures and to present my own, without any worries because all were really open-minded and curious to discover new things. When it comes to inherent activities to Europe, I can say that they were boring not at all, completely opposite, because these activities were a tool that let us open even more thanks to their opinions and ideas sharing always considering the spoken topics. The city was beautiful and the ocean even more beautiful. The organization was more satisfactory, particularly I appreciated really much generosity of the organizers who in every single moment were in charge to supply us everything we needed. It is one experience that made me become richer, more independent and I have learned a lot of new things. I would recommend this opportunity to everybody, independently from age and place of birth and place where people are currently living, because at the end the main thing that remains at the end of the youth exchange is the link you make with people who before you have never seen and never met before. (Giulia G.)

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I am very satisfied to have had an experience and I have to add that I wouldn’t change absolutely anything, but It had changed me inside and outside. It was so nice to meet and spread our own cultures and above all, I liked the fact that nobody criticized you in moments when we were doing linguistically mistakes when it comes to English language and nobody was criticized if you were not good enough in play. I felt like being at home. I wish everybody who has a possibility to do a similar experience to try because it is absolutely amazing! (Giulia D.)

Written by Group leader Aurora Sartoretto
Translated by EVS volunteer Biljana Dajic

If you would like to have a look at the outcomes of this fabulous project, just follow the link below.
First one is JORNAL-INTERCAMBIO which describes in a very creative way the project flow.
The second link you will find is images that is a collection of their thoughts, project goals and project details.

At the end, we hope you will have a lot of fun with the CHANGE FOR EUROPE [Salvato automaticamente] and video youngsters made on their own, with a hope it will be a perfect example to follow for the next future participants to create something unique.

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